
Showing posts from March, 2015


Burning Scars Inside my room, bundled in a corner  I shed tears  with red puffy eyes Lumps in throat by silent crying  My insides screaming  why can't I die?  obstructing my vision is a water wall Brimming on the outline of ophthalmic round Knees upto chin sobs breaking the monotone Day by day, my heart turns into pumping token Emotions scarred trust stomped upon Sympathy,advices and pity like acid poured upon In the light of day nobody see these scars When the darkness dwells each of them stands apart.

Beauty Of Love

          BEAUTY OF LOVE  Essence of Life is to realise its worth Some do it easy,some late,some never For some,God makes a pair Silent assurance of Having  Each other's back Faith of arms holding  If one ever fall We made us, Face our demons To stand and Conquer them all Fears abandoned  Hope rekindled Old dark corners dissolving being washed in light Under the Sun, Or in shade Everlasting beauty is, Love that never fade.

women's Day Special

Hindi Poem written by me on the eve of Women's Day